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JEE Main 2025 Session 1: 22 January Shift-Wise Analysis & Topic Breakdown

Introduction: The much-awaited JEE Main 2025 Session 1 is underway, and candidates across the nation have started to experience the exam firsthand. With the exam spanning multiple shifts, a comprehensive analysis of each shift provides valuable insights into the overall difficulty level and topic distribution. Here's a detailed breakdown of all three shifts, including the number of questions from each topic, and an overall analysis of the difficulty level for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

The JEE Main 2025 Session 1 saw a balanced distribution of topics, with some shifts focusing more on specific concepts. In general, the overall difficulty level varied slightly across the shifts, but it remained consistent in testing candidates’ problem-solving abilities and understanding of fundamental concepts. Let’s dive into the shift-wise analysis for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Shift 1 Analysis

Subject Topics Covered Number of Questions
Physics Thermal Physics, Projectile Motion, Circuits, Diodes, Electromagnetic Waves, Modern Physics 10
Chemistry Mole Concepts, Catalysts, Biomolecules, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 12
Mathematics Statistics, Probability, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Matrices, Determinants 11

Shift 1 Analysis:

Shift 2 Analysis

Subject Topics Covered Number of Questions
Physics Lenses, Logic Gates, Ray Optics, Electrostatics, Semiconductors, Projectile Motion, Units and Dimensions, Kinematics, Fluid Mechanics, Gravitation 12
Chemistry Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry 12
Mathematics Algebra, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry 14

Shift 2 Analysis:

Shift 3 Analysis

Subject Topics Covered Number of Questions
Physics Kinematics, Work-Energy Theorem, Oscillations, Thermodynamics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction 13
Chemistry Surface Chemistry, P-block Elements, Acids and Bases, Coordination Compounds, Chemical Kinetics, Polymers 14
Mathematics Complex Numbers, Sets, Relations, Differentiation, Integration, Circle and Parabola, Statistics 13

Shift 3 Analysis:

Overall Difficulty Level:

Across all three shifts, the difficulty level for JEE Mai