The Madras High Court has ordered Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University to reschedule its postgraduate MD/MS theory exams which was originally slated for December 9, 2024. The directive follows a petition from students citing insufficient preparation time, which they have argued adversely impacted their mental well-being and academic performance.
The bench will consist of Acting Chief Justice Vibhu Bakhru and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela, by considering the petition which was filed by postgraduate students for the deadline for thesis submission was November 29, 2024, leaving only 10 days to prepare for the theory exams.
The petition has argued that this tight schedule was very stressful for the t
students as they needed more time to prepare for the exam.
The court acknowledged the students' concerns and highlighted the importance of fair academic scheduling to maintain educational standards and student welfare. The university has been instructed by the Madras High Court to announce revised dates for ensuring adequate preparation time for examinees. This move will be very helpful in balancing academic rigor with student needs by emphasizing equitable education policies.
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