Union Education and Skill Development Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has recently launched the ICSSR Research Internship Programme with an important initiative with the motive of fostering research aptitude among many young scholars in social sciences. The event was launched at the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) headquarters located in New Delhi.
The programme was planned to give training to budding researchers to strengthen their research skills in diverse areas of social science. During the launch, Pradhan told the importance of integrating research and innovation with social and economic development. He has also highlighted the programme's potential to nurture the next generation of thinkers and contribute to evidence-based policymaking in the country.
40 interns have been selected for the first batch as part of the initiative having plans for expansion in the future. These interns will also be working closely with ICSSR-affiliated institutions by working on various research projects under the mentorship of senior scholars. The programme has main aim to provide exposure to research methodologies, data, and policy formulation and foster a strong foundation for their academic and professional pursuits.
Pradhan has also stated the government's commitment to empowering the youth through quality education and skill development by aligning with India’s broader goals under the New Education Policy 2020. He has encouraged the interns to focus on critical issues which are affecting society like :
The ICSSR Research Internship Programme marks a great development towards increasing the research ecosystem in India by promoting academic excellence and addressing the nation’s socio-economic challenges through various innovative solutions.
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