The Indian Institute of Management is going to declare the Common Admission Test results for 3.29 lakh candidates in the second week of January 2025. According to the official notice,” The release date for CAT answer key 2024 has not been announced yet but is expected to be out in the first week of December.”
Some media reports said that the CAT answer key 2024 will be issued between December 5 to 8, 2024.
According to the marking scheme, each correct answer will get 3 marks and one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. But in the case of the non-MCQ questions, there will be no negative marking. As per the official announcement, the IIM CAT 2024 score will be valid only till December 31, 2025.
The provisional answer key and response sheet will be released around the first week of December 2024.
Candidates are advised to download these answer keys from the official CAT website and can raise objections during the objection window, which will be concluded by December 6, 2024.
Score Prediction and Percentiles
By using the response sheet and answer key, candidates can calculate their raw scores and predict their percentiles.
Percentile predictors can be done from platforms like Career Launcher and others which can help to estimate the B-schools you may qualify based on the scores.
Step 1: Calculate the total number of candidates as (N) who appeared for CAT in all three sessions. This year around 3.29 lakh candidates have registered for the MBA entrance exam.
Step 2: Each candidate will be assigned a rank based on the scaled score calculated in each section.
Step 3: In case of a tie, candidates who score the same marks will be assigned the same rank. For example, If two candidates obtain the same marks then they will be ranked as number 1 and the candidate with the second highest score will be assigned rank 3 and so on.
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