On Monday, Union Minister of State for Education Jayant Chaudhary said, “There is no provision to regularise contract teachers in Kendriya Vidyalayas and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.” The minister responded to a written question by sharing this information in the Lok Sabha.
According to Chaudhary, this arrangement helps in protecting the academic interests of the students and the teaching-learning process is not disrupted. He said that teachers are appointed on a short-term basis to fill vacancies that arise due to transfers, retirement etc.
“Contractual teachers having requisite qualification as per KVS and NVS norms are engaged on a short-term basis against sanctioned posts vacancies which arise due to transfer, retirement, leave, etc from time to time so that the teaching-learning process is not hampered,” said Chaudhary.
“There is no provision in KVs (Kendriya Vidyalayas) and JNVs (Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas) to regularise the contract teachers as their appointment is a purely temporary measure to protect the academic interests of the students,” he added.
The minister also informed that there are 19 posts of PGTs, 516 posts of TGTs and 439 posts of PRTs, a total of 974 regular posts have been operationalised in KVs based in Uttar Pradesh. At present, 53 Posts of PGTs and 173 Posts of TGTs, a total of 226 regular posts have been sanctioned and created in these JNVs for Classes VI to XII.
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