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ILSAT 2023 Result Released: Direct Link to Download

ICFAI Law School Hyderabad has released the ILSAT 2023 result. Candidates can now conveniently obtain their results by visiting the official ILSAT website, where a dedicated section has been established to download scorecards seamlessly. Candidates will receive important information from the ILSAT results, including their status as provisionally qualified candidates and performance metrics including exam results, rankings, and roll numbers. The outcomes of the ILSAT 2023 will then be used as the foundation for shortlisting applicants for individual interviews and group discussions, which are the next steps in the admissions procedure for various legal programs.

Direct link to download the ILSAT 2023 result

How to download the ILSAT result 2023?

Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to check the result

Step 1: Go to the official website and click on the link for UG, PG, and ILSAT.

Step 2: Fill in the required details.

Step 3: Click on the submit button and check your ISLAT result.

Step 4: The ISLAT result will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download the result and take a printout of it for future reference.

ILSAT 2023 Scorecard: Details Mentioned

Given below are the details mentioned in the scorecard

Post-ISLAT Result 2023

After the announcement of the ISLAT 2023 results, candidates will be called for the final round of selection which is a personal interview. The candidates who are chosen on the day of the interview receive a selection letter for admission. The candidate has to reach the center for further admission process.

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