Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has announced the discontinuation of the physical classes for all students on Sunday evening except Class 10 and 12 because of rising air pollution in the national capital.
Delhi Chief Minister wrote, “With the imposition of GRAP-4 from tomorrow, physical classes shall be discontinued for all students, apart from Class 10 and 12. All schools will hold online classes, until further orders.” Earlier, the Commission for Air Quality Management invoked all actions as envisaged under Stage-IV of the Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR from Monday amid worsening air.
The Central Government can also take action on permitting work from home for employees in its offices. State governments are also planning for additional emergency measures which cover the closure of colleges and educational institutions and the closure of non?emergency commercial activities which permit the running of vehicles on an odd-even basis of registration numbers etc.
CAQM has also appealed to the citizens of NCR to adhere to the Citizen Charter under GRAP and help to implement the GRAP measures which aim towards sustaining and improving the air quality in the region. Children, the elderly, and those suffering from respiratory, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular diseases are supposed to avoid outdoor activities and stay indoors.
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