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GATE 2024 Data Science and AI Sample Paper Released: Question Pattern and PDF Download Link

The GATE 2024 sample paper for the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence paper has been uploaded by the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc Bangalore). October 20 is the deadline for registering for the Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE 2024) with a late fee. Applicants must register on the official website,, in order to be considered for the IISc GATE exam in 2024.

Applicants may register for a maximum of two papers. This year, the institute will administer tests covering thirty subjects. The new subject included to the GATE exam this year is data science and artificial intelligence.

The application form link may be found at, the GOAP website. On the GATE login box, candidates must provide a working phone number and email address in order to generate a password. Questions 1 through 25 will be for one mark each, and questions 26 through 55 will be worth two marks each, according to the GATE data science and AI sample paper. The subjects chosen by the candidates as well as general ability will be included in the question paper. The general aptitude test will be worth 15 points, with the remaining 85 points coming from questions related to the chosen subject. In multiple-choice questions (MCQs) worth one mark, each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of 1/3 mark, whereas in MCQs worth two marks, each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of ? mark.

Download GATE Date Science and AI sample paper

GATE Data Science and AI: Syllabus

These are the subjects that the paper on data science and AI will discuss.

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